Caught the sunrise at the bird refuge by our house this morning with my mom and pop. Heard a LOT of birds. Spotted only a few. Watched herons nesting through a telescope at Farmington Bay. The online pictures of Farmington Bay are more impressive than the in-person experience. Still, a good morning.
Had a girl's afternoon at the mall with Audrey, Alicia, and Olivia, shopping for stuffed animals, video games, bath stuff, and friendship necklaces. And of course we stopped for chocolate at Mrs. Cavanaugh's.
Took in an evening movie at THE Kaysville Theatre. That is the official name and website- THE Kaysville Theatre. It makes me chuckle. Tonight's movie was Rio, which the kids had seen but I had not. It was about birds, so it was like our day had a theme.
And if you have not been to THE Kaysville Theater, it is one of those not-to-be-missed Davis County experiences. It's like how the Nazis would run a movie theater. Before the movie starts, a big old list of instructions appears as a power point presentation on the screen, informing you of all the do's and dont's of attending a movie there. Like don't even think about trying to buy tickets in advance. You can only buy tickets about 20 minutes before the show, and NO SAVING SEATS. Have your money out and ready to pay. Know how many people you are buying tickets for BEFORE you get to the ticket counter. Know which movie you want to see BEFORE you get to the ticket counter. Don't complain if you get there late and the movie is sold out or you get a crappy seat. Get your seats before you buy your treats! They go into all the reasons why you are not allowed to bring in your own food (it smells bad and is messy-think hot dogs!), and you even get a history of the theater, and a run down on their basic philosophy of business and picking which movies to show. Then, after all that, this public service announcement from the 70's comes on, which shows two guys sitting in a movie theater, only all you see of them is from the crotch down. One guy is very clean and neatly stacks his garbage by his feet, then picks it all up at the end of the movie and leaves the theater. The other guy is a big slob and drops his popcorn, spills his drink, and throws his garbage all over the floor. He also twitches and fidgets all through the movie. When he gets up to leave, he leaves his garbage there, but steps in gum before he can get out of the theater, at which point it is tradition for everybody in the theater to yell "EWWW" really loud at the screen. Then a very stern voice comes on, warning you that "ITS YOUR CHOICE. PLEASE DISPOSE OF ALL WASTE IN TRASH RECEPTACLES!" And then, only after you have been properly indoctrinated, the movie starts.
So after the movie, it was just starting to get dark and was turning out to be a lovely evening, and we decided we would head over to the electric park for a bit. But first we stopped by home very quickly for some bug spray and a bathroom break. No kidding, in the five minutes we were in the house, the wind picked up and an awful storm blew in. By the time we were climbing in the car, it was raining buckets. We drove over to the park and sat forlornly in the parking lot for a few minutes, hoping against hope that it would clear up enough to play. We even tossed around the idea of running around in the rain, but it was windy and cold, so that idea was not that appealing. In the end, we wound up back at home eating ice cream.
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