Friday, July 8, 2011

Crazy Eighth

Welcome to the First Annual (and possibly Last Annual) Metcalf Cousin Fest!!  Joining in the festivities tonight, we have four Metcalfs- Duncan, Will, Audrey and Olivia- three Yates- Jacek, Sydney and Stockton, and two little Jacksons- Savannah and Miranda, for a grand total of nine brave souls taking part in this experiment.  It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision to have EVERYBODY stay over on the same night.  Something that we just jumped into without thinking about  too much.  But first we had to drive to Brigham City to trade Alicia back for Will, then  we hurried back  home to get the cousin party started.

I guess it could have been a disastrous idea to have 5 extra kids spend the night, but so far everybody has gotten along just fine.  We had a spaghetti dinner, played outside, and then went over to the electric park when it got dark.

Now we are all home, teeth brushed, prayers said,  and tucked into various and sundry beds/ bunks/bags around the house.  The night is still relatively young.  It could still be disastrous.  But for the time being, all is quiet.

Tomorrow we head down to Lehi to return everyone to their proper homes.  After that, I have to admit I am looking forward to having no one but my own kids in my own house for a while.  Between scout camps and Logan comings and goings, it has been a while since we've all been here together.

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