Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Car Chats

 We drove to Duchesne and back to get Audrey today.

Six hours in a car in one day is a long time.

It's a lovely drive, but there is not a lot to do between here and Duchesne.

But we got two great kid quotes out of the deal, so it was worth it!

Olivia, about two hours in to our drive, after having asked at least 6 times if we were there yet- "Mom, you said we were almost there."

Mom- "We ARE almost there."

Olivia-"Then WHY am I still in the car?"

And then, on the way home....

Audrey- "Mom, if we are ever on a plane, and it crashes in the mountains and we get stuck there and you die, I don't think I could ever eat you."

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