Thursday, June 30, 2011

Livin the Dream


AACK!  How can it be the last day of June?  I HATE the last day of June.  I hate the last day of every month in the summer.  It's just another painful reminder of the fleeting nature of it all.

Feeling all nostalgic and everything, I went around the house snapping pictures of the way everything looks tonight.  One day, for me anyway, it might be entertaining to look back and remember that awful lamp we had in the living room, and how small the rose bush used to be.   It's also a great snapshot of what life around here REALLY looks like, since I didn't bother to spruce anything up before I started snapping away.  This way, when my kids have kids, and I am the fussy grandma who thinks their rooms are pigsties, and why do they let those kids get away with stuff like that, they can shove these picture in my face to remind me of reality.

So, gulp down a Provigil (that's a pill to keep you awake) and take a tour of Life as it Really Is Around Here.  Or not, whatever.

Welcome to our humble yet patriotic abode....

These little puppies are finally blooming in the front yard, and it makes me so happy. I nearly killed this plant off last year from lack of water.
 Hooray! The Laundry Room!  One day, I am going to switch the washer and dryer so that they go up against the window wall, which anybody with half a brain can see is how it should have been designed in the first place.  Moving it now involves plumbing, electrical and sheetrock, so it 's gonna have to wait a while.

These are our beloved cubbies where we store all the kids crap.  See that stack of clothes?  Those are all Will's.  Which makes me wonder what in the world he packed for  a week at scout camp.  Did he take ANYTHING?
Olivia is probably on the trampoline because she can no longer get into her room.  See pictures below.
Weed whacking.  Once he gets going he just can't stop.  The trick is getting him started.
The cluttered family room that still does not have curtains.  Or window treatments as my designer aunt always calls them.  Whatever you call them, I need some.
 And Olivia's room. It was clean this morning I promise.  And the bed was made.  It always looks like this by the end of the day.
 Audrey's room. We have been contemplating the green sample on the wall for 3 months now.  Can't quite dig up the energy to paint. Soon, though, soon. And her stupid fan thing won't stay up either.
 The bathrooms.  Why did I take pictures of my bathrooms? Because all three of them got cleaned today.  It is a rare and happy thing to have all of your bathrooms clean at one time.

 The dog, following me around with a look on her face that says why are you taking pictures of the bathrooms?
 My poor poor living room, in desperate need of an extreme room makeover from RC Willey.
 Duncan.  Service with a smile.  Such a good boy.
The dandelion in the geranium planter pretty much sums up life around here.  
 It's a tomato.  It's struggling.  Audrey planted her pumpkin seed RIGHT next to it which isn't helping.  Also, we have 2 other tomato plants that sprouted from the seeds from last year's tomatoes.  They look better than this one.  Next year: planter boxes.

I don't think anybody really believes me when I tell them about my peach tree and it's overabundance of peaches.  There are at least 12 peaches on this one foot section, and the ENTIRE TREE looks like this.   And this is after we have thinned at least 500 peaches off the thing already.  I am getting really tired of murdering those poor little babies, but the tree is still so loaded, there is no way it is going to be able to be a good mommy to that many peaches.

 I keep forgetting what this bush is called but I love it.  I stole this from my yard in Logan after we moved, along with my bleeding heart bush.

And the amazing miracle rose bush.  When we moved in, this was a big scary monster.  We attacked it with our neighbors pick up truck and chain and pulled out what we thought was the whole bush.  But then this little guy popped up and we are going to let him stay.  Just like in Jurassic Park, life finds a way.

 What to watch in this picture is the Easter basket and Easter eggs hanging from the bannister.  Maybe by the 4th of July we can get them put away.

Will's room.  He is missing this bed right now, I bet.  Why he doesn't have sheets on the bottom bunk I don't know.
 Duncan's room.  And yeah, that's a queen sized bed in there.  Duncan's got the best room in the house.  Big closet.  Lots of floor space.
 Mitch's room and a shot of the dresser we inherited from our neighbor.  Mitch was in desperate need of a dresser, and our neighbor had one he was giving away.  Serendipity.
 Hopefully, one of the last shots of our unfinished family room.  No, we have not started on it yet.  Yes, it is still in the plans.
 The storage room.  Would love to finish this room too, but it's not gonna happen this year, or any time soon.
 The kitchen was relatively clean today.  It's seen better days, but it usually looks worse than this on a summer evening.  Who wants to clean up the kitchen when it's the last day of June?
 Next year's project may involve getting rid of this catch all counter.  Unless we decide to do the deck.  Decisions, decisions. That is, if we aren't starving to death, homeless  and bankrupt by next year.....
And thats the end.  That's what life looked like around here on the last day of June.  Oh, I didn't get any pictures of us cleaning out the gutters.  That was fun.  We'll probably do it again soon.

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