Monday, February 28, 2011

Dumping February

Dear February,

Don't take this too personally, but things are over between us.

You must have known it couldn't last forever.  You only have 28 days after all, and way too much on your agenda.  I am looking for more of a long-term commitment.  We had some good times, made a few great memories, but it's time for both of us to move on.  You were just too demanding in too many different ways.  You had a list of things I had to do every single day, and it was just too much.

On top of all that, you are just so temperamental.  When we first got together, I thought you were a winter month.  I pictured us playing in the snow, and cuddling up with a warm blanket and a good book, and maybe even some sledding with the kids, and then you went all warm and melty on me, and tempted me with a taste of spring.  And just when I had adjusted to your new attitude, you blasted back at me with an unexpected fit of winter again.  I can't take it anymore.  I'm moving on to March.  I know March won't be any more predictable than you, but March has already promised to expect less of me, and that is really what I am looking for in my life right now.

Thanks for the Valentines though.  Call me sometime if you want to talk things over.



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