Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Yays Have It

Yay for those geniuses who can resurrect computers. Ours was, once again, the victim of a viral attack, downloaded by an unknown, unknowing member of our household.  It's been out of commission for a while now, and we've been dependent upon the laptop for the past several weeks, which explains the lack of pictures on here of late.   I don't like to download pictures on the laptop. But now, we are up and running again, so get prepared for a blast of visual.

Boo for the bad guys who keep creating evil viruses and disguising them as happy shiny games and things that  innocent, unsuspecting people, namely video game-addicted teenage boys, want to download.   Boo for being $75.00 poorer, thanks to the bill to clean those disgusting viruses off our computer.  Look out bad guys.  Someday, somebody, probably Duncan, is going to track you down and make sure that bad things happen to you.

Yay for finding a pediatrician that we like. In his picture, he looked like he was about 12, so I was a little suspicious. In real life, he looks almost old enough to be a doctor, and turned out to be really nice, AND, he's from Cache Valley, so bonus points there.

Boo for finding out that Olivia has strep. We took her in for a cough,and came out with a positive strep test. She hadn't complained about her throat hurting, and the nice doctor said it looked like we caught it early, so more bonus points there. The cough remains a mystery, but he did give us an inhaler to try, and the antibiotic should clear up any kind of infection, so we are keeping our fingers crossed there.

And now, for the promised visual blast from February:

 Duncan is obsessed not only with video games, but also with Mr. Bean.  Here he is, doing one of his many Mr. Bean impressions.  Duncan just clicks with that kind of humor.  Mr. Bean is pretty funny, I have to admit.
 Biggest and littlest.  They look a lot alike in this picture, I think.
This picture does not do justice to the cool Valentine decorations created by Livvi, Audrey and me.  Ignore the mistletoe that is dangling in the middle of the sign that says Happy Valentines Day. The Valentines are gone, but the mistletoe is STILL hanging up there, and looks even more pitiful now than it did in February.  We will get it down someday.  Maybe.  I keep thinking that big blank space above the door would be a perfect place for some of that vinyl lettering that everybody has hanging everywhere these days.   It's always some uplifting inspirational quote though, and I can't quite make up my mind what the best thing would be for it to say up there. .  I'm thinking about special ordering one that says, GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE.
 These two just looked too adorable sitting there together on this random morning, with their hot chocolate and cinnamon toast.  I might have to stop feeding them though. They are getting too big.
 Olivia on the couch, the first time she was sick.  Check out the AWESOME rat's nest in the back of her hair. That was fun to comb out, after five days on the couch.
And last night, Audrey made homemade tortillas for dinner.  It was quite a workout with the rolling pin, but they turned out really good, and this one has a smiley face on it.  Look closely, you can find it.  We thought about saving it and trying to sell it on e-bay, but we just couldn't figure out how to turn it into an image of the Virgin Mary.  So we ate it instead.

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