Our weekend fun is coming too quickly to an end. We are going to make the most of Sunday though, by doing as close to nothing as is humanly possible. I guess it would be more relaxing if the house was cleaner and the laundry was done, but right now, lying on the couch watching movies seems way more important to our well being.
Our Friday night play was a rip-roaring success by the way. It was a fantastic little production of of Hairspray, and Olivia especially loved it. She nudged me as it as beginning and said, "Mom, those are real people!" She had never been to a play before, so I had to explain to her that when the lights went down, they were getting ready for the next act. After that, she took it upon herself to announce to everyone, every time the lights went off, "They are getting ready for the next part now!" Overall though, she was enthralled with the whole thing, as were Audrey and me. The only problem was that they didn't have enough black actors. They had to fill in with some Hispanic and Islander types, and the role of Motormouth Maybelle was actually played by a white woman, but she had a great voice and totally pulled it off. And oh my heavens, the guys who played Edna and Wilbur Turnblad were awesome! Every bit equal to John Travolta and Christopher Walken. And at the end we got to meet all the actors, which Olivia especially thought was very cool. We may yet become patrons of the arts.
From what I hear, scout camp was pretty fun too, but there was not enough time for much sledding. They were home by one, then later that night Dan and I went to dinner and a movie for our anniversary. We saw "The King's Speech", which, in keeping with the weekend theme, was also very good. Colin Firth absolutely deserves the Oscar, and I am not at all biased by the fact that I am totally in love with Colin Firth, and have been since that one movie he made with that girl named Amanda that is really cute and that you used to see everywhere. Colin was also in our other favorite movie, Mamma Mia, but he totally should have played Sam. Pierce Brosnan almost ruined the whole movie by playing that part.
In other news, Duncan is now a priest, and although we are going to have to work with him a bit when it comes to saying the sacrament prayer, he was up at the sacrament table this week for the first time, and did a fine job. Will passed the sacrament, as he has done faithfully for a year now, and I am very proud to have two boys up there, taking part in their priesthood duties. Mitch started going to a singles ward out here. It was a rough go for him at first, not knowing anybody, but he stuck with it, and is feeling better about things now.
Which brings us up to date on everybody but Alisa. She just turned in her application for a study abroad program for next year. She had to pick 3 universities to apply to. Her first choice was in southern France, her second choice is in Switzerland, and her third choice is northern France, I think, somewhere near Normandy. Really, anywhere she lands will be great. She plans to leave around September, and won't be home until the following June. She should find out where she is going in about a month, and then she can start figuring out how to pay for it all! And I plan on figuring out how to pay for a trip to visit her while she is there, because no way is my kid going to spend 9 months in Europe and NOT have me come and visit.
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