If we were a nice Catholic family, we would be celebrating the Day of Epiphany today. But we aren't Catholic. And I don't even know any Catholics. Except for this guy, and I am going to bet he doesn't know what the Day of Epiphany is either.
Nevertheless, in honor of the day of Epiphany, which also marks the official end of Christmas, I believe I will have one. Maybe even a few. Funny how that works. You can go along for weeks and months even, being absolutely clueless. And then one day, without warning, the universe just opens up and dumps a load of insight right on the top of your poor defenseless head.
Here are my epiphanies: (don't get too excited. I'm not smart enough to have epiphanies that are very original, or exciting)
-We need a budget.
-No matter how well you manage your time, time is still a limited quantity. There is only so much that a person can do in a single day.
-My dad was right. If it won't matter in 20 years, it doesn't matter today. Heck, if it won't matter in 1 year, it doesn't matter today.
-There are a lot of things that WILL matter in 20 years that nobody worries about today.
-If I am going to worry as much as I do, I better start worrying about more important things.
There. That's it. No more epiphanies til 2012.
I mean it.
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