All that baking and decorating really wiped poor Buck out.

Saturday was Breakfast with Santa at our church. Olivia was supposed to be on stage, singing with the other little girls, but she had enough after one number, so she just left. Walked off the stage and came back to our table. But that was okay, because then she was the FIRST one to spot SANTA!! Here she is waving at him as he came in the door.

After the Christmas party, cousins came over for our annual graham cracker house debacle. Jacek and Will got more into it this year when we made it a friendly little competition. Jacek created a really nice little house. Will made a nuclear reactor. Everybody won a major award- either a thumbs-up or a high five, or a Good Job!

Audrey had a lesson in physics this year in trying to get her house put together. She found out that there is a weight limit for graham cracker walls. And that working with bigger pieces of construction materials makes for much more work. She persevered though, and finally got the thing together and it turned out beautifully, with some help from Sydney of course.

And Olivia and Savannah ate their creations before the day was over.

Then we were treated to an impromptu mini concert by Jacek on the guitar and Will on violin...

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