Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Toe Jam

I have always suspected this, but now I have an outsider's unbiased opinion that Audrey is indeed the bravest girl there ever was.

She had to have an ingrown toe nail removed yesterday, and the doctor gave her poor toe four injections, with a BIG needle.... it left a mark about the size of a pin head.....and while he was doing this, the girl did not even wince! I was sitting by her, and I was doing plenty of wincing, grimacing, squeaming and squirming for her, but she was as cool and collected as if she were sitting at home on the couch watching Little House on the Prairie.

After he was done, the doctor, who is normally NOT the editorial type, sat back and said, "Forty year old men come in here and cry when I give them a shot like that. I am amazed. You are by far the easiest patient I have ever had to inject."

I'm not surprised though. When she was a baby, whenever she got an immunization, she would just sit there and very interestedly watch the as the needle went into her fat little thigh. She never cried. Not once. Not even during her kindergarten shots. In fact, she used to go with me when Olivia was getting her immunizations, and she would beg for a shot too. Once we got her a flu shot, just because she asked to be injected with something.

To be fair though, she was not so brave this morning when it came time to unwrap her toe. Some of the gauze had gotten good and stuck to her raw nail bed, and pulling it off was quite the operation. It took us four hours. We soaked it, we poked at it with Q-Tips, we drugged her up with Lortab and pulled on it till she screamed, but this one stupid little piece of gauze would not come off. The doctor had kind of jammed it into the space where the nail used to be, then her toe had swollen around it, and it was stuck. I was seriously considering putting her in the car and taking her back to the doctor to make him clean up his mess when I decided to just give it one more good try. Audrey was on the verge of fainting when it FINALLY came loose. It was traumatizing for us both, and has not helped my toe nail phobia at all.

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