Tree's up. I am trying not to be too bugged by the fact that we are once again using the cheap, funny fake tree with the colored lights that we got on sale in '07. I really wanted to get a real tree this year. I was outvoted. But I am trying to be glass-half-full here, and not pout. So here is my Top Ten List of Reasons I am Really Glad We Used This Tree Again:
#10. We paid $40.00 for it three years ago. This is the fourth Christmas we have used it. That is pretty good mileage for a tree. And we are cheapskates. Especially at Christmas time.

#9. So much less effort involved. No traipsing through cold dark Christmas tree lots in search of the perfect tree. No sawing involved. No trying to put the stand together. No watering. No pine needles. Oh wait, I like the pine needles. Scratch that last one.
#8. The lights, and the fact that they are already on the tree. Major bonus, on both ends of Christmas. No putting on. No taking off.

#7.We can put it up on November 30, and leave it up til January and it won't die. We have NEVER put a Christmas tree up in November before. I am not sure what we are thinking.
#6. The branches are bendable. They can be put in the place you want them. You can move them out of the way of certain big ornaments if you need to.
#5. Sturdy branches. They hold those big old heavy ornaments without sagging.

#4. If we were environmentally conscious, which we are not, we could say that we didn't kill a tree. We don't really care about that too much though.

#3. The top part of the tree, that has never fit right, and leans to one side and wobbles every time somebody walks by is the stuff fond Christmas memories are made of. We will all laugh about it one day.
#2. With as many ornaments as we load on to it, you can hardly notice how bare the trunk is.

#1. Olivia says it's beautiful. And that is good enough for me.
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