Thursday, December 2, 2010

Who's Naughty or Nice

The Naughty List:

Olivia found a Barbie Fairy at the store today that she wanted desperately. She used her best coercion techniques, but to no avail. When she realized that I was not going to be snookered into buying her anything, she got creative. So she told me it was time for us to trade places. She was going to be the mom, and I was going to be the kid. That sounded like a killer deal to me, so I agreed. Then she informed me that now that she was the mom, I had to obey her.

Her first command was, of course to buy her the Barbie. I reminded her I was a kid. I didn't have any money. I told her that she was the mom, and that meant she had to buy everything with her own money. She told me she left all her money at home, and just needed to borrow some. Again, I repeated that I was a KID, and what did she expect? I had no money for her to borrow.

Then she changed up the rules on me. She told me I was a teenager, and I had a job. So she was commanding me to loan her the money for that toy. I told her I was a teenager and I spent all my money on clothes and junk food. She told me I better start being more careful with my money. Then she reverted back to being the five year old, and went for the screaming technique. It didn't work either. When we got home she took a very long nap. That may have been the problem all along.

The Nice List:

Audrey came home from school and reported that she got to be the errand- runner for her teacher twice today, and one of those trips was to the teacher's lounge! She said that if her teacher needs something, it is usually Audrey that she calls on. I told Audrey that was because her teacher knew she was reliable and trustworthy. She agreed, but said it was also because her desk is closest to the teacher's. And sitting close to the teacher's desk has the added advantage of being able to eavesdrop on the kids who get in trouble and get called up to the teacher's desk for a talking-to. Audrey gets in on all the good stuff!

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