Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hunkering Down

What is supposed to be the storm of the century has just hit The Edge. Those silly weather guys have been yammering on about this storm for the past three days, so it better be a good one. So far, it looks like it might be all bark and no bite. Fine, dusty snow that is putting on a good show in the wind, but not a lot to it.

Just in case though, me and the rest of Syracuse all got our grocery shopping done earlier today. I have never seen the stores so crowded on a day that was not the eve of a major holiday. But if we are going to be snowed in, I want to make sure to be stocked up on the essentials, like chocolate chips and Diet Pepsi. What would Thanksgiving break in a snowstorm be without warm chocolate chip cookies?

So that's where me and the kids are- hunkered down at home with the furnace cranked up, cookies in the oven, and a pile of laundry and cleaning to keep us busy. Dan is at work, probably staying late to make sure the general public is warned to get home early. Oh the irony! Mitch is downstairs with a GIRL(!!!), playing video games and perhaps even braving the roads to take her to a movie. Alisa is safely ensconced at Grandma's house for the Thanksgiving break. She had the good sense to leave early and get down here before the snow hit.

So big storm, fresh cookies and being together sounds like a great way to kick off our first holidays in our new house. Maybe we will even break out Elf, and REALLY get into the spirit of the season. Right now, though, the oven timer, the laundry, and a 10 year old girl are calling my name.

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