Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Party Party

Can't let this St. Patrick's Day pass without a mention of Audrey's 10th birthday, which we celebrated in fine Irish fashion today. Can't believe we have had her for a whole decade already. We told her very firmly tonight that she is absolutely not allowed to get any older. Ten is all we are going to allow.

Here is our terrific trio in their matching shirts. Audrey"s bff Alicia came from Logan to spend a few days with us. I'm pretty sure that having Alicia here was Audrey's favorite gift.
We had quite a party, with both sets of grandparents, and Norrie and Emilie in attendance. Audrey had requested tuna noodle casserole for her birthday dinner, and she and Alicia decorated the cakes. We thought we better make two, with all those dinner guests, but it turned out we only needed one.

Grandpa Dan brought his guitar along, and Livvi was smitten. Here she is, pretending to strum along with Grandpa.

I hope she remembered to make a wish. She is such a sweetheart, she deserves everything her heart desires. Audrey has been an absolute joy in my life over the past ten years. I wish we could go back and live the last decade all over again. Then again, I can't wait to see who she is going to turn out to be.

The girl made a haul tonight in the presents department. The night ended with us watching her new copy of Princess and the Frog. For the first celebration/get together in our new house, it was a pretty good one. Let the new memories begin.

1 comment:

Emilie said...

It was lots of fun! Thanks for letting us join in your family fun. LOVE your new house. Love you all!