After unloading a big old U-Haul full of boxes and very heavy furniture, the next order of business was food. Well, no, the next order of business was actually getting the TV set up, which Dan was busily engaged in while Amy and I went and hunted down pizza. What else are you going to feed a crew of hardworking, newly uprooted kids on a Saturday afternoon?

I don't really consider myself a pack rat. In the grand order of the universe, I would say that I am one of the less pack-ratty people around. But when I saw the number of boxes being hauled off that truck, I was amazed. It is amazing how much stuff people have. It is amazing how much stuff
I have. It is amazing how much of that stuff belongs in my kitchen.

One day I envision my living room as an inviting, quiet, calm place. I want it to be a warm, cozy comfortable room, with soft light, lots of books and cushy chairs, and maybe a piano. It is not yet any of those things. This day, the only one of those things this room had was books. Lots of books. In boxes. Very heavy boxes. And other boxes, filled with any number of other things. Somehow, all of the non-urgent boxes, the ones that were not screaming to be unpacked immediately, wound up in the living room. Many of them remain there still, along with a few other items that have not yet found a home.

And here is Will, hard at work, building his bed, under the direction of his dad. That first night here, we made a surprising discovery. Duncan found little tiny glow in the dark stars on his bedroom ceiling. They come out slowly after you turn off the light, and lying on Duncan's bed and looking at the ceiling is like being on a campout and sleeping under the stars. Will's room has them too. Unfortunately, we also found out that their rooms are FREEZING, which adds to the whole campout feel of the room, but in a not so nice way. It may turn out to be a very nice place to sleep in the summer, but right now, Duncan and Will are heaping on the blankets. They are hale and hearty boys however, and are handling it like men.
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