Sunday, March 21, 2010

Live and Learn

Okay, enough about the move already. Old news. The new news would be that we finally worked up the gumption to drag ourselves out of bed on this fine Sunday morning and make it to our new ward, which starts at the near-ungodly hour of 9 a.m. And despite the time, it was good! We were only a tiny bit late, and definitely not the last family to arrive. Nobody bit us or looked at us funny, at least not that we saw. But now we are known, which means they will visit us, and call us to do something and then we will be expected to do it. Maybe we should have stayed anonymous another week. Such a dilemma.

We are very slowly learning how to live in Syracuse. We got library cards. It's a very SMALL library. We found the Arctic Circle. And our friends visited us Friday night. But we still aren't really sure how to live here. In Logan, we know how to live. We know where we like to eat out, and all the best places to shop, and all the back roads and short cuts. We know how long it takes to get from point A to point B and at what hours to avoid Main Street. We know the parks and the swimming pools and where to feed the ducks. Red Boxes, store hours, the car registration place, all that vital information that you just take for granted until you have to start over in a new town.

BUT, I will say that having a great big master bathroom and an upstairs laundry room and a two car garage makes up for a lot.

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