Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving Pictures

The sixth of March was moving day. It was clear and mild that Saturday, and the next Saturday was snowy and cold and miserable, so at least we picked the right day.

Olivia has her backpack and is ready to go. She was rather angst-ridden at this point, as she had just discovered her 'moving box" had disappeared. About a week before we moved, she got the shoebox her princess shoes had come in, put in several of her most prized possessions, and taped it shut tight with packing tape. She called it her moving box. She made sure to keep it close by all the time, and would ask me frequently if I was sure she could take her moving box with her when we moved. Then, the morning of the move, she cracked. She insisted on opening the box and playing with the toys inside and nothing i said could convince her to leave it alone. Then Alisa came and took all the kids to her place for a while. Somebody saw the box and scattered toys in the bedroom, and stuffed all of it into another box and packed it away. When Olivia got home, she was so sad that her box was gone, and was so worried that we were moving without it. Fortunately, we found it very shortly after arriving at the new house.
Poor Maggie. She knew she was getting left behind. She sat in the doorway watching us load up, and waiting for us to call her to come with us. We never did. She is still in Logan, living with Mitch. The kids miss her, so I'm sure we will move her soon. We haven't moved the cats yet either. Nobody seems to miss them too much, and I know they don't miss us. Maybe they miss our warm soft beds they used to lie on all day, but not us.

Ready to go. A big improvement over our last move was that this time we did NOT back the moving truck into our front door.

I told Duncan to pack a few of his clothes and his toothbrush into a bag, so he would have what he needed for a few days until we could get settled. He packed most of his clothes into this bag.

Eleven days after the move and the house is still not completely empty. We are prolonging the agony. More on that in the next post.

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