Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today is not the greatest of days. The kids are bored. We are all feeling a bit lost and out of sorts. We are sick of unpacking. Home school is not going well, mostly because we can't seem to get organized. So the boys are watching the House of Representatives channel while the girls take a bath. I have an enormous box of financial stuff and paperwork waiting to be sorted through and organized and filed and paid. It looks daunting.

I think we are all getting ready to go back home. Back to our old lives and our old schools and our old routines. We want to go back to swimming lessons and orchestra and homework. This whole moving thing was fun for a few days, but now we are tired and want to go home. The guy that came to fix our dryer today asked where we were from and when I said Logan, he started talking about how much he liked Logan, how many friends he had there, and how he would like to live there. He did not help any of us feel better.

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