Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Kindness of (Un) Strangers

Day three in our new house. Unpacking continues. The living room is still full of boxes, mostly very heavy ones full of books. I must say that I may have been dragged into this move kicking and screaming, but so far, as far as moves go, this one has been relatively easy. First off, our life saver, Amy and her crew showed up Friday and stayed through til Saturday, helping us pack and clean and wrangle kids. We could not have done it without her. Then we had eight or ten big burly men show up on each end, both loading in Logan and unloading in Syracuse, who literally bore our burdens that day, and made our load light. And, in the middle of the most chaotic part, Alisa came over, packed up Audrey, Sydney, Stockton and Olivia, and took them to her house for a few hours, which was the very best thing she could have done. As a side note, Olivia had a grand time with her cousin Stockton this visit, making "soup" in a laundry basket, with all the odds and ends they could find laying around the house, and using the shop vac attachment as a ladle.

I do have some kids who are missing their friends in Logan. But as for the time being, we have lots of commitments that take us to Logan several times a week, not the least of which is my job. Since they aren't tied into school, they kids can come with me, and I have (more) very generous neighbors who have extended a very open door policy to my kids. So we went Monday, and are going again tomorrow, and Friday, and the kids are very happy about that, and yes, the drive is going to get old very quickly. But, due to circumstances beyond my control, I can't just yet start even thinking about leaving my job. Time will tell what is going to happen there, but for now, I am stuck with an hour long commute a few times a week. If my car keeps chugging up that canyon, I will count myself blessed.

I do have pictures. I have not outlawed them from this blog. They will be coming soon.

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