Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's the End of the World as We Know It

So many moving stories to tell- not moving as in emotional, but moving as in moving, which we did today. I think I will start at the end of the day, because it was one of those moments you never see coming, could never predict, and will remember forever. This one I will remember just because it was funny.

The day ended with half of our family (the bigger half, mind you, which is me, Dan, Mitch and Duncan), crammed together cheek to cheek in the cab of my dad's pickup truck, driving the streets of Logan at 9 o'clock at night, looking for apartments. I was wedged in between Dan, who was driving and trying to shift gears between, around, and under my legs, which I was REALLY trying to keep out of the way, but failing at miserably, and Duncan, who was his usual calm, reserved, patient, roll-with-the-flow kind of guy. Mitch was sitting next to the passenger side door, doing a very good job at attempting patience, but wondering, aloud and continually, if it was REALLY NECESSARY for all of us to be there.. And Dan was grumbling and muttering too about the uselessness of it all. I of course got the giggles, and couldn't stop, and really, who of us would have ever guessed when we climbed out of bed that morning, that by the end of the day we would be sitting in that truck together like that before the day was out? The apartment by the way, was clean and small, and smelled like pot, but the deal breaker was that the bathroom was located out the front door and down the hall.

After that, it was time to hit the road back to Syracuse, and to say goodbye to Mitch, who is staying in our Logan house for the next little bit. I had been waiting all day to feel sad about leaving. I thought it was going to be so hard to leave the house we have lived in for 12 years, and all our neighbors, and I kept thinking the emotion was going to hit at any minute. And all day long, there was nothing. I didn't feel sad about leaving anything, i just wanted to get it over with. I was NOT planning on being sad about leaving Mitch, since I will be seeing him on Monday. But then, as I was showing him all the food I had left for him, he hugged me and told me thanks. And that is when it finally hit me, and I started to bawl. It wasn't so much the idea of leaving him that brought it on. It was the 'Thanks Mom" that got to me. So then I was trying to explain the food
(as if he wouldn't know what it was for) , and then it looked like I was crying about the mayonnaise I left him in the fridge and he started laughing at me, and then I was crying and laughing at the same time. But he is the only one in our family that likes mayo, the rest of us are Miracle Whip people, so I won't have to keep mayo in the fridge anymore, and that just made me kind of sad.

And speaking of fridges, I am not fond of my new one. It is a side by side and I don't care what anybody says, it it not going to hold as much food as my old one. It is tiny!

So that is the end of our moving story. Tomorrow I may write about the middle. Or maybe not. There are many many many boxes to unpack, and it is Oscar night.

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