Well, we have officially added the title of home schoolers to our repertoire. I checked the kids out of school last Friday, and don't plan on re-enrolling them anywhere until school starts again in the fall. Why would I do such a crazy thing? When I ask myself that same question in a few months, please be reminded, dear self, that it was more than just a fit of insanity. The big reason is timing. If we were to enroll them in their new schools in Syracuse, Will, as a 6th grader,would have to go from a middle school back to elementary school for three months, then start at a new junior high in the fall. Same with 9th grader Duncan. He would go from high school back to junior high then to a new high school. It just seemed like too much changing around in too short of a time. So for the time being, we are all at home together.
All the same, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Taking an extended break from homework, alarm clocks and school lunches sounds appealing. Carrying the whole responsibility for their education on my shoulders sounds daunting. And honestly, having all of them home together all day every day sounds like it could make for some long afternoons. I'm pretty sure we will be going on lots and lots of field trips. And reading lots of books. Beyond that, I really don't know what we will do. I don't think I could mess them up too much in just a few months, could I? I think my first order of business, as commander in chief of this new school, will be to declare a nice long spring break until we get this move behind us.
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