I was lucky enough to have a date with Miss Livvi last night.
We went to see the Princess and the Frog at the dollar movies. She had seen it before, but was every bit as mesmerized the second time around. I don't think she took her eyes off the screen for the entire movie, except for when she covered them during some of the scary parts.
I thought it was a cute movie too, except I have a problem with musicals. I have music A.D.D. I can't pay attention during the songs, and my thoughts start to drift and then I lose track of what is happening, and then I lose interest in the plot. Totally a character flaw on my part.
We had a fun time though.
William went to his first middle school Valentines Dance yesterday.
Well, it wasn't really a dance- one of the teachers and his wife came and taught them dance steps to two different dances. Apparently you could either ask someone to dance with you ahead of time or take your chances and get set up randomly by the teachers. So Will was one of only a couple other sixth grade boys that bravely took fate by the horns and actually asked a girl ahead of time to be his partner for the first dance. Fortunately she said yes.
His other friend didn't even dare go to the dance at all. He had his mom pick him up early. Wimp.
Will said he had a really good time until the second dance when he got matched up with a seventh grade girl. He didn't like that so much. But he survived.
His first foray into the world of school dances is behind him.
And Duncan, once again, is my hero.
It was our turn to go clean the church early this morning. Not a fun job. A job that is the bane of our bishop's existence, because nobody ever shows up when it is their turn. Our turn comes around every few months, and we never remember to go, which I feel bad about. Somebody from the ward called last night to remind us it was our turn. Duncan was the only one home when they called, and I guess he told them we would be there. Then he forgot to tell me that we were supposed to go.
So this morning, about nine, just as I am getting up, I hear the front door open and someone come in. Pretty soon I hear Duncan coming down the hall, and he asks me if I saw the note on the fridge. No, I had not seen it. " Oh," says Duncan, " I got up to go clean the church, and I wanted you to know where I went." He woke up early this morning and remembered he had said he would be there. But he didn't wake anybody else up because he felt bad he had forgotten to tell us, so he just went by himself. I didn't even know he was gone. I thought he was still in bed!
He saved our family honor!
Find me another 15 year old boy that would voluntarily get himself out of bed at 8 o'clock on a Saturday, to go clean anything. That kid is made of some good stuff.
And sure enough, there is a note on my fridge that says, "Went to go help clean the church. Duncan." I am going to keep that note.
The rest of our Valentines weekend will involve some packing and some cleaning and maybe some sugar cookies. The girls are going to a Valentine party at the neighbors this afternoon, and I plan on making the most of those Livvi-free hours and hopefully getting a few things accomplished in the moving department. It still hasn't sunk in that we are really moving. I don't think I will really believe it until the closing documents are signed, the deed is recorded and the keys are in my hand.
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