Saturday, February 20, 2010

Last Thursday to Now

Last Thursday was an eventful day.

Thursday was closing day on our house. We now own the place. Signed, sealed and delivered. Now all we have to do is move. Feet, don't fail me now.

Thursday was a gas leak at Will and Audrey's school. They evacuated the building, then nobody was allowed back in for anything, so there was no homework that night either. A red letter day in the annals of kid-dom.

Thursday was the day Olivia went to stay with Grandma while we went to the closing. When we went back to the house afterward, she announced she was staying at Grandma's for many days. Grandma being the good sport that she is, agreed, and we have not seen Olivia since. She humored me yesterday by speaking briefly to me on the phone, just long enough to tell me she was staying another week. She has one outfit with her, but I don't suppose she cares too much. I hope she starts to miss us eventually.

And on Thursday, Will got bit by the neighbor's dog. On the cheek. He has a big red mark, and it scratched him good, but didn't break the skin. We were nice and did not report it. We probably should have.

And now, we start what most likely will be our last week of living in this house. We have the first load ready to take down to the new house tomorrow. We are pulling the kids out of school the end of this week. We have had some tears today about leaving friends. I'm sure there will be more. I am determined to keep things in perspective. I will not get overly emotional. I will not overthink this thing. We are just going to do. This is it!

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