When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you snow, make snowmen.
That's just what Audrey and Livvi did with the six inches of new snow we woke up to on this last day of January. As if we needed a reminder that it was still winter.

And when life hands you a turkey, make a Thanksgiving dinner.
That's what else we did today. Somebody brought us a turkey around the holidays, and the poor guy has been sitting downstairs in our freezer ever since. (The turkey that is, not the guy who gave it to us.) It occurred to me a few days ago that cleaning out the freezer before moving day might be a good idea, so we have been eating lots of old remnants that have been sitting down there way too long, and a few days ago, I finally brought up the bird. He was a good sized one, chuck full of antibiotics and corn and whatever else they feed those poor guys on the turkey farms to fatten them up in record time. We popped him into Grandma Paulson's trusty old turkey roaster, opened a box of Stove Top stuffing mix, and voila- Thanksgiving in January. And may I say we are very thankful on this last day of January, not only for the turkey but also that this month is behind us. I know they say not to wish your life away, and I don't, but this month was kind of an annoying one. Way too much hoop-jumping and paper pushing for my taste, all revolving around us getting financing for the new house. Then again, if we wind up moving next month, February may prove to be even more annoying than January.
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