Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where There's Smoke

Peeeeyewww our house smells bad tonight. But I very much love my self cleaning oven, which is at this moment toiling away on all that oven grime, and that is why my house stinks. But believe me, the smell of a cleaning oven is positively pleasant compared to the smell of a microwave in which someone(Audrey)cooked ramen noodles for five minutes with no water. That happened about two weeks ago, and the microwave still reeks. And that reminds me that I have not yet replaced the smoke detector batteries. The night of the ramen noodle incident, we had a kitchen full of smoke, and not one of the five upstairs smoke detectors went off. That is not good.

Duncan just came in the door from scouts and announced that it smells good in here. Weird kid.

1 comment:

The Metcalf Five said...

I will always remember the time when Connor put some random toy in an easy bake oven in your house and then you made the comment"wouldn't it have been funny if Connor had burned down our house?" LOL......