Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lower Your Standards!

Yesterday I had a good laugh reading about a mom with a two year old and a newborn who was talking about how she hopes to have her daily schedule "all mapped out" in the next week or two so that she could have "some structure, and actually accomplish something during the day". Good luck with that, lady!

I stooped to yet a new low as a mother today, and sent Will off to school in the clothes he slept in. Same clothes he wore yesterday. I didn't know he had slept in his clothes until he jumped out of bed and announced he was already dressed. We REALLY slept in this morning, and at the point he got out of bed, he had about fifteen minutes to get out the door. So I looked him over, saw that he really wasn't too rumpled (thank heavens for no-wrinkle fabrics), and sent him on his way. I wonder if his teacher noticed. Teachers tend to get picky about things like showers and clean clothes starting in about fifth grade. One teacher actually made it a homework assignment for her kids to shower each night. Oh well, at least he brushed his teeth.

And just for the record, tonight he is clean and bathed and tucked into bed in freshly laundered pj's:)

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