Thursday, November 6, 2008

What About the Turkey?

It's that time of year again-when you can't let your kids in the stores, can't let them watch TV, and can't let them see the mail. Because if they do any of these things, they will be bombarded and assaulted with CHRISTMAS ADVERTISING and will get all sorts of grandiose ideas in their little heads about what ought to be under the tree come Christmas morning. The Walmart toy book came in the mail today and everybody got a chance to ogle over it. I have sticker shock from the prices of toys this year. Guess it's not any different than anything else, but holy #@#$%, $150.00 for a plastic Hannah Montana dollhouse??? Good thing nobody around here cares much for Hannah Montana! So, my goal for the next 48 days or so is to keep my kids as far away as possible from stores, malls, TV sets, and holiday catalogs....a mission impossible, I know, but somebody's gotta try.

Audrey's got things figured out. She told me last night that when she grows up and has kids, one year, she just won't buy them anything for Christmas. Then, as she put it, that will prove ONCE AND FOR ALL, whether or not there is a Santa Claus. She has had her doubts for a few years now, but I think she is waiting to see what this year brings.

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