Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Here We Go

It was inevitable that this day should come, the day they went back to school. It was a dream come true to have it come after Labor Day. Having all of August off was heavenly. And,  as much as I hate to admit it, I think we were maybe a little bit starting to be kind of ready to go back.  Not to school. Oh no, not yet.  But back to some kind of daily structure.  And so today was not as painful as some years have been. I'm not saying we liked it.  But maybe by October 1st, we might have been ready to go back.

 Anyhow, they are back. All of them.

Here is Duncan, ready to go, bright and early, off to his senior year.  His last first day of school.

And my junior high babies.  Poor old Will is still swollen from having his wisdom teeth out last Thursday.  But he looks a heckuva lot better than he did even yesterday.  And poor Audrey is still recovering from strep throat.  We thought she was better, but last night her throat started hurting again, and when she woke up this morning, it was very swollen.  No temp, no other symptoms, so off she went.  We are crossing our fingers that the strep is not flaring up again.

And last but never least, the second grader.  She insisted on doing her own hair this morning.    She did a great job, didn't she?

The traditional bench picture.  I got a little misty eyed when it was only her sitting there today.  Only one left in elementary school.
And here she is at her new desk.  Her new teacher was very warm and welcoming, and seems to be everything we could want in a second grade teacher.  She is off to a good start.
And if I had my way, I would have followed the other three into their respective classrooms and snapped some pictures of them in their desks too.  I don't think they would have liked me very much though.  Especially because I realized later that the whole time I was at school with Olivia, my zipper was down.   Oh well. Life goes on.

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