Saturday, August 18, 2012


Audrey went to Lagoon today.

Olivia went to a birthday party today.

Mitch went to Salt Lake with some friends today.

Dan and the boys went to a fathers and sons camp out last night, and after unpacking, mowing the lawn, and cleaning up, they headed downstairs to chill with some video games.

That left me upstairs alone, in a very quiet house.  I was looking forward to going outside and doing some much needed yard work in my own yard for a change, instead of in Logan.  I was looking forward to the peace, quiet and solitude. But while I was sitting in the kitchen, for just a minute, it seemed too quiet.  It was so quiet, I almost got lonely.  I thought about getting old, and all the kids moving out (yeah right, like THAT will every really happen) and being an old lady all alone in my kitchen.  I almost made myself cry.

Then I looked at the clock and realized that Olivia would be home in less than an hour.  It would not be quiet for very long.  Suddenly, the present quiet moment seemed all the more enjoyable. I decided that I like quiet, only because I know it isn't going to last forever.

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