Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Putting out Fires

Something is going to give.  I spent ten and one-half hours at work in complete chaos, passing out drugs to people, most of whom probably didn't need them.  It was so horrendously busy I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out.  Love my job I do not.   Take my work situation, and all the other crap that is not working in my life, and that is why I want to drug myself, and spend the next ten and one-half hours sleeping and oblivious to everything.

But guess what! Alisa is coming home, in just more than 48 hours now!  She has her travel arrangements all figured out, has a place to stay tonight and tomorrow (which was  a real concern at one point, and  makes my mommy heart sing to know that she has a safe place to crash until she can fly out of there!), and she has a ride to the airport.  God bless French people!  At least the really nice ones that have temporarily taken her under their wing!  Remind me of this, please, when I have the chance to help out somebody else's child-remind me how grateful I was when it was my kid in need.

And now, I am going to drag myself not to bed, but to the neighbors across the street. I have to go be sociable and watch them blow up all the illegal fireworks they have been squirreling away in their garage for the past few months. They shoot them off directly above my house.  If they set my house on fire, I'm gonna poison their cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne I am sorry that you are so swamped with work and everything else.

I an haveing a bit of trouble my self. The A/C went out again. I thought three different times that it was fixt and now we are wateing for parts. Dad