Sunday, February 12, 2012


After a delicious Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and an interesting political/musical discussion with Mitch on the way  home, and a session of looking up Super Trouper videos researching for Audrey's Valentine's Day lip sync performance, Olivia got tucked into bed a little on the late side tonight.  After we sang and prayed and chatted for a bit, I shut her door, then went to the kitchen to do a few things.  A couple of minutes later I stuck my head into Audrey's room to see if she was ready for a tuck in.  From the other side of the bed, up popped a little blonde head, and Olivia called out, "Mom! I forgot I was sleeping with Audrey tonight!"

It mystifies me just a little bit that they like to sleep together in Audrey's twin bed. Sometimes I sleep with Olivia in a king size bed, and with her tossing, turning and bed hogging habits, even that can be a challenge.  But it warms my heart that they both seem to enjoy it.  They shared a room for the first five years of Olivia life, and a double bed for about three of those years. Some habits die hard I guess.  I'm so glad my three girls have two sisters each.  I think its one of the best things I did for them.

Audrey's room is a war zone right now.  In the middle of all the dryer crises and tooth extractions going on around here lately, we (I) also decided it would be a great time to paint her room.  Rather than clear all the furniture and clutter out of there, I thought it would be easier to just paint one wall at a time, and move the stuff  in there around as I painted.  Bad idea. Bad, bad idea.   What should have been a two day job has turned into  a two week job. All the stuff just eventually got shoved into the middle of the room in big heap of chaos.  Working around the furniture was way more labor intensive than just moving it all out would have been.  And it was much easier to keep procrastinating because her room was still functional, if only barely.  So poor Audrey has been sleeping in a jumble of clutter, with her bed getting shoved around to a different location every couple of days. Her room seriously looks like an episode of Hoarders. She is a champ and hasn't  seemed to mind, but it is high time to get her lovely new lime green room put back together. And now that Stanley is here, we can even get the laundry pile in the middle of her floor taken care of!

And seriously, what kind of rockin mom am I, that I let her have a lime green room?  It actually looks pretty good.  A little florescent maybe,  but awesome nonetheless.  No wonder they both want to sleep in there, mess and all.

Duncan was sick today.  Temperature and headache. He got the stay home from church card.  I knew he really wasn't feeling good when we got home from church a half hour early and he was NOT on the computer, but in the bathtub.  He downed some drugs and came to dinner with us at Grandma's, but for sure is not feeling like himself, even though he hardly complains at all.  Here is to hoping nobody else gets sick. Here is to hoping that we get a semi-normal week around here.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Awwww. This makes me want to cry. I want to have a sister sleepover.