Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sing Sweet Nightingale

Our brave and talented Audrey has landed herself a role in the school musical!

The play is Cinderella, and she got the part of Anastasia!

Silly girl was a little bit disappointed, because she wanted to be the step-mother.  She read for that part at call backs, and kinda sorta thought she would get it. She also read for Drizella  and the fairy godmother.   So she was a little surprised when she got Anastasia.  I don't think she appreciates the magnitude of her accomplishment in landing a "big" part.

So, for the next few months, our lives are going to basically revolve around/be complicated by her rehearsal schedule.  That is perfectly okay  with me though, because she has been wanting to be in a play or take theater  classes for EVER, and I'm so happy that she finally gets to do it.

It's also the perfect excuse for me to stop working so many extra hours.  I've been working a lot since September, and I detest it.  I  just want to be home with my kids, especially in the afternoons when they get home from school.   Not that we ever get to stay home.   There are always a million places they need to be, but that is all the more reason I need to be home with them.

We do what we gotta do though, right?

And our brave and talented Alisa has yet to mention on her blog that she got all A's on her exams last semester!  Or whatever the French equivalent of an A is.  Just thought I'd throw that out there, since she seems to be too modest to broadcast her braininess.

So that's the good news minute from here.  In the midst of seemingly never ending hours of angst and muck, every now and then we get a glimpse of sunshine.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

i'm SO sad i'm going to miss it.