Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Braces and Beavers

Between my root canal and Audrey's braces, we spent more than 5 hours in the big chair today.   Only I had the happy gas, so I didn't care how long I was in there.  In fact, as long as that gas kept coming, I could probably still be sitting there.  It's a good thing I am not a dentist because if I was, I'd be in trouble for abusing my supply of nitrous oxide, I just know it. Oh, and other than getting the crown glued on in 2 weeks, I don't get to go back until March.  I thought I was in for a whole slew of work, but I guess I'm done for a while.

We have a "before" picture of Audrey, that we took this morning,

and a picture during:

but here she is refusing any "after" pictures.

She says she doesn't want to remember this day.  Oh, well, a girl is entitled to a little drama on the day she gets her braces on, right?  Just like her mother is entitled to a little drama after a root canal.  She got a whole bag of dental bling too- a nifty sign to hang on her bathroom mirror about how to brush, a new toothbrush, and dental flosses and rinses of all kinds. She was very brave and went straight back to school after her appointment without even any ibuprofen.  Now we are watching the episode of The Brady Bunch where Marcia gets her braces on.  They have spaghetti for dinner on that episode, and guess what WE are having for dinner?! Coincidence?  I think not.

On the way home from school today, Olivia was telling her friend Ella all about Justin Bieber, or Justin Beaver, as Olivia calls him. Ella is the oldest kid in her family, so she is a little more sheltered than Olivia, and she was clueless about old Justin.  She kept asking if he was a beaver. Olivia is not as sophisticated as she sounds, and she was not all that sure whether Justin is or is not actually a beaver.   The only way Olivia knows anything about Justin Bieber is because of her other, very wordly and knowledgeable friend, Kira, who (as Olivia explained to all of us), used to love Justin Beaver, until he cheated on Selena Gomez, and now Kira doesn't like him at all.  Oh, and he cut his hair and now he looks like Ken, as in Barbie and Ken.  I guess looking like Ken is a bad thing these days.  Come to think of it, Ken always did have goofy hair.  The plastic stuff was bad enough, and then they tried to give him real hair, and that was even worse.  Anyhow,   I was shocked to hear my first grader having this conversation at all, and was not about to ask if she even knew what it meant to cheat on somebody.

One child in braces, one talking trash on celebrities with her friends.....Will is wearing MENS sizes now.....waaaah.....where did my BABIES go????

Oh dear....Will has had the nerve to put his LEG on top of Olivia, and she is throwing a fit and sobbing on my shoulder.  Time to go mete out some discipline to all these large children.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Tell Audrey her big sister wants to see her braces and that she feels her pain- in more ways than one.