Monday, July 4, 2011

Going Fourth

We crammed in a little bit of all the really vital Fourth of July activities.

First we went swimming.

and hot tubbing.

Then we hit the parade in Hyrum, where Duncan got to sit next to this really exciting lady who slept through the whole parade.  I believe she was related to the witchy lady who informed Audrey that she could only get the candy that was thrown directly in front of her, and that she could not invade the space where the lady was standing.  She actually made Audrey give back the candy that she felt she was entitled to.  The worst part?  She didn't have any kids with her.  She was just standing there being obnoxious.  I hate people like that.   It's too bad that Audrey's dad didn't know about this little exchange until the parade was over.  Then we could have seen some real fireworks.

I hope she choked on her salt water taffy.

AACK! That's her!  That's the witchy lady, in the background of this picture, in the red shirt. Grrr. While I am being petty and unforgiving, I must also mention that this same lady complained long and loud when a group of Hispanic men on horses rode past in the parade.  She kept saying that this was an AMERICAN celebration, and it should only be for AMERICANS.  Oh, wait, she must be in charge of handing out the AMERICAN cards in Hyrum.  How else would she have know whether or not those guys were American?

Okay, enough ranting.  Look at that cute girl in her Walmart special patriotic t-shirt.
Look at all those tall kids.

In spite of the mean lady, we still got plenty of candy and free stuff.  I'm not sure when parade-going became a competitive sport, but it is all about how much candy you can get now.

Then we met up with some friends for the Hyrum fireworks.  They didn't compare to  Clearfield's fireworks last year, which we were sad to miss, but it was fun all the same.

 Sleepy kids watching fireworks.  Olivia is faking being asleep though.

I will not mention how terrible it was that I had to work for two hours.  What kind of unpatriotic people get sick on the fourth of July?

We left Hyrum about 11, and got home around midnight, with just enough time to unload the car, fall into bed, then load everybody back up to go BACK to good old Cache Valley for a day at work for mom and a day with friends for kids. What a whirlwind!

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