Saturday, June 25, 2011

While I Was Working

Last week at this time, I was still coming off my sky diving high.  This week, I am just trying to recover from a hell week of working full time.  I know lots of people with kids work full time.  I just don't know how they do it.  My week was a bit longer than most, given my 2 hour daily commute, and the fact that I got 45 hours in this week, which my boss does not yet know, and will not be happy about.  Anyway, while I was off earning the bacon,  all of the following was taking place at home:

  -the dirty laundry reproduced itself  several times over and attempted a  hostile takeover of the house.

   -summer made an appearance, causing the grass to dry out and turn yellow, because we had not yet turned on our sprinklers for the season

    -all of the food got eaten, even the yucky stuff.

     -the mail---oh the mail.  It needs it's own room.

    -somebody messed up my closet.  Oh wait, that might have been me, searching for something to wear every morning which is the worst part of working every day.

Dan and the kids managed pretty well to keep the kitchen under control.  The animals are still alive.  That's good. I guess.  Now I am back to my regular schedule, which means I have to work again on Monday.  So we only have the weekend to get things put back together before it starts all over again. Today's goal was going to be getting the laundry under control.  But then we decided to work on the sprinklers, which should have been a quick job, but turned into an all day adventure and included two trips to Home Depot.  The good news is that the sprinklers are now on, so no more dead lawn.  The bad news is that Will leaves for scout camp at 6 AM Monday morning, so that laundry has GOT to get done before then.


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