Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Zoo

This is our own personal home-made version of the animals overtaking the zoo keeper. This is how the kids entertained themselves on Sunday afternoon, and yes, he really did sleep through the whole thing.

And today Olivia and I went with the kindergarten to the zoo.  And who of all people did we run into up there, but Melissa!  It was Savannah's kindergarten zoo day too.   Apparently, it was zoo day for every other kindergarten kid in the state of Utah as well.  It was so of those days where you have to fight your way through the fearsome herds just to get up to the window to see the sleeping gorilla. 

We did see this cool lady with an owl sitting on her shoulder and not too much of a crowd around her.  But Olivia wouldn't look at the owl.  She was freaked out and hiding behind my leg.  Those large talons were just a little too much for her.

She was freaked out again in this picture and I don't know why, but  it looks like she is a little worried about her boyfriend Thomas (that's him on the right) standing next to Sierra instead of her.  She had a little mini-fit of jealousy yesterday when Thomas went to play at Brianna's house instead of with her. He is a fickle guy.
Yep, see, she looks much happier here, where she is standing in between Sierra and Thomas.
And then it was lunch and then my camera batteries died, so there are no more pictures of any animals or love triangles.  But, GUESS WHO got invited to Thomas's house after the zoo? 

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