Monday, March 28, 2011


Its swimming lesson time again!! Olivia got new goggles, and she wore them throughout her whole lesson, with the stickers still stuck over both the eyes.  I kept looking at her and wondering why her goggles had those funny lines in them.  It wasn't until she was home and in the tub that I realized the lines were WORDS, printed on stickers.  It says "Push button to adjust goggles" .  Olivia was AMAZED at how much better she could see once we peeled the stickers off.  Sometimes I am such an idiot.
Audrey got new goggles too, but she had the good sense to remove her stickers from hers, before wearing them.

Other than that little fiasco, swimming was great, and they can't wait to go back.  I also took a dip in the pool tonight, trying out a water aerobics class.  It was a little tame for my taste.  More relaxing than it was a work out.  It was fun to get back in the pool though.  And no goggles required.

And from our archives of stuff we meant to post and never did:

Audrey and I made this cake for her family birthday party.  We were quite impressed with ourselves.

And then, she got a new bike.  What a great birthday.  I'm glad I have documented proof that she had a great birthday.  I don't remember anything about my 11th birthday.  I'm sure it was fabulous, and there must be a picture of it somewhere, but I can't recall one thing.  It was a long time ago.

Next week? Spring Break! Yee Hah!

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