Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome to the first installment of the new blog series, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Tonight's chapter:

The Good: Sunsets. Syracuse has the most spectacular sunsets I've seen, including the sunset I watched in the middle of the ocean on a cruise ship. Nearly every night this summer, we have been treated to a splash of orange-y-purple light streaming in through the kitchen window around 9 pm, and we have all dropped whatever we were doing to run outside and ooh and aah at the sky, which just hangs on to the light forever out here. Lately, Venus and the moon have gotten in on the act as well, and added their own little touch to the magical amazingness of it all. I guess there have to be some advantages to being at the very lowest point of the sink that is our geography, known in these parts as the Great Basin. Our house in Logan had too many trees, houses and mountains in the way to get any kind of good look at the sunset. So you try living 12 years without seeing a sunset, and then you'll appreciate a good one when you see it.

The Bad: Every so often, when the wind blows a certain way, usually in the early morning and early evening, we get a weird smell in the air out here. It's kind of a lakish, briny smell, and it's just enough to remind you, that oh yeah, there is a dead sea just down that road. It's not overwhelming, and it's not often, but it's often enough that the jury is still out on whether I want to live with that smell for the next 43 years.

The Ugly: Road construction. The eternal damnation of road-widening projects that has been going on out here since at least early last summer when we were looking at homes. You cannot drive through the Antelope Drive/Syracuse Road/1700 South/whatever the heck they are calling it now area without losing your mind. Yes, Syracuse got too big for it's britches way too fast, and yes the road needs to be wider. But why is it taking forever, and why was it necessary to tear up the whole darn road all at once? It must be a four mile stretch we are talking about, and involves three major intersections. Well, major for Syracuse, which means they have traffic lights instead of those round about things that they love so much out here. I love living in a place where everything is new, but I hate the growing pains!

Next chapter: The House

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