Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Opposite Ends

This afternoon Olivia told me she hated me, and was never going to speak to me again.

Not an hour later, Mitch told me he loved me and gave me a hug.

I am taking both statements as compliments. I figure if the four year old hates me and the 20 year old loves me, I must be doing something right. If it was the other way around, I might be worried.

Oh, she hates me because I wouldn't let her have ice cream for lunch. Chicken nuggets at McDonalds was not an enticing enough lunch, and she said she wasn't hungry. So I took her at her word and didn't order her anything. But when she asked for and was denied an ice cream cone on the way out the door, she claimed she was "only joking" about not being hungry. I am a mean mother, it is true.

And Mitch, current perfect son status notwithstanding, spent many hours hating me in his younger days, for equally heinous offenses. A certain Pokemon card incident comes to mind, involving many dollars and many trips to 7-Elevens before I put my foot down on his dreams, and became the worst mom ever.

I knew he would forgive me one day.

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