Monday, April 19, 2010

Observing the Sabbath

Sunday afternoons are usually either too long or too short. Yesterday's was just right. Here are some things we thought about yesterday.

Our new church is about 2.5 million miles from our house. It's just not right.

The first five people you meet at church always turn out to be the movers and the shakers of the congregation.

We seem to have a propensity for moving into a home in close proximity to the most annoying neighbors. They seem to always have perfect lawns and severely flawed personalities. Our new neighbor fits nicely into the mold.

Our cat Hokey may have run away. I let him out, but not on purpose, no matter what I may have wished for in the past.

Another important first in our new house: Our first chocolate chip cookie baking session. True to tradition, we burned the last batch.

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