Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Conversations in a Crowded Public Restroom

Had you been in the bathroom stall next to us at the park today, you would have heard the following one-sided conversation, one-sided because Olivia was enjoying the way her raised voice echoed off the cinderblock walls and the cement floor, while I was trying to maintain some level of decorum, and answering her as quietly as I could.

"Oh I have to poop."

"Oh I REALLY have to poop."

"Should I take my underwear off?"

"Oh MAN! I have to POOP!"

"Mom, why do boys stand up when they pee?"

"Because they have that thing hanging on them?"

"What is that hanging thing called?"


"Oh, a penis? Because pee comes out there?"

"Duncan has one of those."

"Because I had to go potty, but when I opened the door, Duncan was standing up and peeing."

"ALL BOYS HAVE THEM?? Even Alisa's friend Will??"

"But girls don't. We just have these."

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