Friday, April 9, 2010

All in a Day's Work

The kids went to Grandma's today and are spending the night there. Dan is working a Blaze game and will be home later, after a very long day. I worked a ten hour day in Logan, ran four miles at the gym, and now I am home and the cats are whining at me in a very needy and pitiful way. Not needy and pitiful enough to make me go all the way downstairs to feed them though. I am just too darn tired . Poor things. We are attempting to transform them into indoor cats, now that we have moved. The kids are afraid they will run away if we let them outside. I may or may not have days where I secretly wish one of them WOULD run away. But that would not be very nice of me. Belle is okay with the new arrangement, and has claimed the kitchen table as her new place of honor. I whack her off every time I see her up there, but she hasn't yet relinquished her claim to the throne. Buck is less okay with the idea of being an indoor cat. I think he is feeling a bit emasculated. He is very whiny. They are both probably better off than the third cat, Hokey, who is still in Logan. I wonder if Hokey is feeling least loved.

At any rate, today was in turn surprising, tiresome, suspenseful, intriguing, tragic, annoying, hysterically funny, moving, dramatic, and exhausting. What more can anyone really ask out of a mere 24 hours?

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