Sunday, December 14, 2008

Feliz Navidad

Another Saturday night, another high school dance for Alisa. This one was the Christmas dance. Since I was at a Christmas party, I missed the whole getting ready/getting picked up routine,(waahh) so Alisa's friend's mom was nice enough to snap some pictures for me.
I don't think these pictures really show how utterly adorable her dress is though. And her date has a matching tie, if that isn't the cutest thing!

Alisa and her best friend Janaea
Alisa and her date, Luke

So the guy on the left is Will, who is Alisa's boyfriend, but not her date for the dance. Will took Janaea. Go figure. They have all been good friends for a long time though, and a lovely time was had by all. Or so they say. Hard to believe they are all seniors. This time next year they will probably all be off in different directions. They sure are cute kids. I could stare at pictures of my kids until my eyeballs dried up, and I still wouldn't be tired of looking at them.

1 comment:

The Metcalf Five said...

What a beauty!! love the dress and color on her.