Monday, December 8, 2008


Snow!! The first time this season the ground has been white, which at our house means new boots!! Duncan LOVES boots, and wears them straight through from December to when I finally pry them off his feet in late March. He hates wet feet of any sort, and doesn't even like to leave the house without his boots if there is the slightest chance he may run into snow. So he got new boots. Will needs new boots too, since Duncan always wears his completely out until there is nothing left to hand down. But I didn't find any boots for poor old Will, as he likes to call himself. Hopefully tomorrow. Audrey's boots from last year still fit, and she even found both of them, so that's a bonus. And Grandma Sally nearly had a heart attack when she picked Livvi up from preschool today, and found her barefoot. Liv had played outside in the snow in only her shoes, and her socks had gotten soaking wet. So Liv got new boots too. They are pink and match her princess dress. She is a happy little puddle jumper.

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