All right, ALL RIGHT!
I give.
I am finally, hesitatingly, foot-draggingly, against my better judgement, reading Twilight. It has been my badge of honor for a while now, that I have not been sucker punched into this series, but I, of all people, am going to the screening for the movie next Tuesday. And you can't see a movie based on a book until you have read the book. That's the rule.
So I'm reading. Alisa says I'm going to hate it. My friend Amanda says I'm going to hate it. And I am definitely going into this with a negative predisposition. But I am going in. And I'm open to the possibility of being pleasantly surprised.
Tonight we are going to kick back with the kids for some real entertainment. Dad is bringing home Kung Fu Panda on DVD. The neighbors are bringing chips. Should be big times.
Since you are going in thinking you will hate it, I hope that it turns out that you will like it. I read it before it was so popular and before it was mentioned that it would be a movie. I loved it though. If you hate all things vampire to exclusion....I would say you will be right about hating it. If you can let go and think of it as a love story that just happens to have vampires in it, then it isn't so bad. I really liked it because it was right on the money about first love as a teen. And there was great romantic tention without it being sleezy. You'll have to let me know what you think. I really liked the other books too until I got to the last one and then it was harder to swallow. Kind of went off the deep end then. My sister is flying here to TX so she can go to the movie with me. I am so excited....more cause my sister is coming to visit. Take care and talk to you soon.
Okay, you've probably already read it, but don't expect anything earth shattering. We're not talking great American novel here. Just a simple (sometmes not so well written) love story. That's what I appreciated about this book. It did a great job of portraying that initial infatuation--the I can't sleep, I can't eat because I'm so in love with you phase.
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