Saturday, November 15, 2008

Enough Already

Sad to say we attended another funeral today. Another of our neighbors died this week from cancer. A really, really great guy, who would do (and was frequently doing) anything for anybody. Our neighborhood is definitely going to feel emptier without him.
It's always fun to see Mormons in action at a funeral though. No sooner does the hearse pull away, then the chair shuffle starts and somebody whips out the plastic table cloths and funeral potatoes. Mormons must do funerals better than anybody else. We have a brand new RS president too, who really got a baptism by fire- two deaths in the ward within her first month. Hopefully, our neighborhood has had it's turn for a while now.
Now that it is 11 pm on a Saturday night, we are off to the local market for our weekly ward reunion. We do more catch-up and ward gossip at Lee's on Saturday night than ever happens after Sunday School. It is the happening place to be around here!!

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