Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Destined for Greatness

Joshua Mark
October 27, 2008
7 lbs. 11ozs.

This little guy's arrival has turned my nephew Brian into a daddy, which makes my brother a GRAND daddy, my parents GREAT grandparents, and me a GREAT aunt. Boy do I feel old. But lucky Josh, he has claimed first place in everything; the first kid, the first grandkid, and the first great grand kid. He is destined to be doted upon by all sides.

Welcome to parenthood, Brian and Lauren!

1 comment:

The Metcalf Five said...

I have a niece that has 3 boys and one more on the way, I always tease her that I always knew that I was a great aunt, but she made it official. Ha. BTW, I love all the Livi stories. They are always a highlight to read.