Monday, September 10, 2012


The new catchphrase around here is this:  "Have you taken any ibuprofen lately?"  Between strep throat, wisdom teeth, strep throat, back pain, and yet even more strep throat, it feels like everybody in the country is telling me they are in pain.   I have located and visited most of the doctor's offices in Davis and Weber counties over the past two weeks.  Our high deductible health insurance plan is suddenly feeling a little too high.  Enough already!   Get better people! We have a Disneyland trip to plan! 

Here is one important thing we have learned though: Wellbutrin does not help back pain.  I already knew that, but we experimented anyway.  See, Mitch hurt his back really bad the other day, and I took him a bottle of what I thought was prescription strength ibuprofen.  I could not figure out why it wasn't helping him feel better at all. I was getting really worried, wondering what in the heck he had done to his back, that 800 mg of ibuprofen was giving him zero relief.  Pinched nerve? Ruptured disc?  Then I got home and found that the ibuprofen was still sitting on the counter.  I was totally confused for a moment, until I realized I must have grabbed Duncan's Wellbutrin instead.  Hey, they were both white bottles, okay?  Anyhoo, one accidental dose of Wellbutrin is not going to kill anybody (fortunately) and he eventually got the ibuprofen, and his back is on the mend so all is well that's ends well, right?  Just don't tell my boss:)

Now, if we can just get Audrey to give up the strep throat, all will be well.  She is on her second round in two weeks. Pray that nobody else gets it.  We CANNOT have strep throat in a small car with six people on a ten hour drive. We simply can't.

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