Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Posing with Princesses and Stuff

There are only a million other things I should be doing right now, but I have a million pictures of our trip too, and I know if I don't do this blogging thing soon, it won't get done at all. So, shut up bills,laundry and sleep. I know YOU will remind me to get to you eventually. These pictures will get lost in space if I don't do this now.
This is only a small sampling of the pictures we have of our first day in Disneyland.  What is it about that place that makes you want to shoot everybody and everything?

The Matterhorn coming out of her head is intentional. Her father thinks he is funny.

I have this same picture, same pose, of a seven year old Duncan trying to pull the sword out of the stone.  That boy loves his swords and shields.

Tarzan's treehouse!  One of Olivia's favorites, and now I'm sorry we only went through once.

And then, the meeting of the princesses commenced!!  Which is really why we went to Disneyland in the first place.  These are the MONEY SHOTS!!
Yeah, we even got the fairy godmother.  When Olivia saw her, she gave her a great big smile, and the fairy godmother immediately noticed Olivia's missing teeth.  Turns out the fairy godmother has lunch with the tooth fairy every Tuesday.  And she always has to pay, because the tooth fairy never has any money! Olivia was completely enchanted.

Very proud of the bulls eye she got to shoot with Merida
After all that princess greeting, Olivia was pooped.  And grumpy.  And carrying on about getting back to the hotel to go swimming. So she and Duncan and myself headed back to the hotel early that night, which just about killed me because I felt like we were losing time and not getting to see everything and how could she not appreciate the fact that we had paid a TON of money to get her to Disneyland and now all she wanted to do was SWIM????  I was a little wound up myself, but when we got back to the hotel and relaxed a little and cooled off, I realized what a busy day she had already had, and what a great idea a little relaxation was.  Plus, it gave Dan, Audrey and Will a chance to ride the big boy rides, like Splash Mountain and Tower of Terror.  Those three kept at it until the park closed.
I think we all forgot how exhausting Disneyland is. We were even too tired to eat the pizza and spaghetti we ordered in, and I think we were all fast asleep by ten o'clock that night.

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