Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On This February Morning


You are so dramatic.

 You've outdone yourself with your grand entrance this year.  I distinctly remember kicking your butt out the door last year. And yes, I remember I told  you to call me sometime. But  I didn't think you'd be back  again  so soon.  Stupid month, don't you know how to take a hint?

I know you are used to people complaining about January., not you, dear February.  But January is okay in my book.  It is full-on winter, nice and dark in the evenings, perfect for staying home in your pjs.  We have birthdays and anniversaries and January just flies by

But February, you have nothing. .  Winter is old hat by now.  Spring is nowhere near the radar, but you try to fool everybody by keeping the sun out a little later in the evenings which thows me off and throws my seasonal affective disorder into a tail spin.  And once President's Day is over, there are no more holidays til Memorial Day.

So now that February has made it's passive-aggressive return,  Olivia welcomed it by staying up until 1 in the morning with a stuffy nose and a hurt finger and me. At 12:30 I finally caved and gave her some Benadryl, just so we could both get some sleep.  It knocked her out good and fast, but then she was impossible to get out of bed   this morning, so she was late for school.  Of course, walking in late to first grade makes you a  major, red carpet celebrity.  We totally disrupted the class with all the kids jumping out of their seats and running over to her.  "Olivia!  "Olivia", where were you?"  "Are you okay?"  "Where have you been?"  And then she got to tell her story of insomnia and bandaids that wouldn't stick, and it was a very dramatic and intriguing and drawn out story.  Sorry Teacher.

Our dryer broke.  It refuses to tumble.  I have been hedging my bets for 2 years now, wondering which of our appliances would be the first to go AWOL.  I was rooting for the fridge.  But no, its the boring old dryer.  There is nothing exciting about getting a new dryer.  Getting a new fridge would make me much happier than a dumb dryer.  And it WOULD happen just a week after we plunked down a chunk of change on a new sectional for our family room.

Then our alarm clock broke sometime last night while I was up with Olivia.  I can't be mad at it though.  It is the same alarm clock I have been using since 1984.  It has a cassette tape player in it, and a radio, and was state of the art for it's day.  It has seen me through my senior year of high school, all through college, married student life, and soccer mom mornings.  I could be really sad if I thought about it too much.  I will never have another alarm clock that has been as loyal and long lived as that old JVC from JC Penney.  They just don't make em like that anymore.

Then this morning I had a dentist appointment and  I was actually excited to go to see Scott the dentist because he promised he was finally going to fix this one tooth that has been killing me lately.  Then he took some more x-rays and looked at it and thought about it and consulted on it, because he is very thorough like that, and finally told me that he could try to fix it, but more than likely it would be a waste of money.  Something about decay in the back of the tooth going down below the bone or some kind of dental talk like that, and the fix on it wouldn't hold.   Since it is a wisdom tooth, he said the best bet is to just pull it out.  But HE can't pull it out because it is so close to the nerve.  He doesn't want to paralyze my jaw.  And I am completely on board with not paralyzing my jaw as well. So in the end we agreed that I should see an oral surgeon for that tomorrow.   He gave me a get out of work free card and everything. But now I can't find anybody to cover for me at my STUPID job, so I am probably going to have to put the whole painful thing off another week.

So now I am off to Sams Club for yet another bottle of  6 jillion count ibuprofen.  And a diet coke.

I am so not happy it's leap year.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

So you're finally getting your wisdom teeth out, huh?